To access your benefits, claims, and account information,

Please go to the

Manage Your Account

section of the website

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Link opens in a new window outside of the Medicare plan information and/or takes you to a third party website.


Link opens in a new window outside of the Medicare plan information and/or takes you to a third party website.


Contact Us

MVP Medicare Customer Care Center
TTY: 1-800-662-1220


Monday - Friday

8 am - 8 pm (EST)

From Oct. 1 - Feb 14, call seven days a week, 8 am to 8 pm


MVP Medicare Product Advisors
TTY: 1-800-662-1220


Monday - Friday, 8 am - 8 pm (EST)



220 Alexander St.

Rochester, NY 14607


24/7 Nurse Advice Line



Request a Coverage Determination or Formulary Exception

Phone: 855 853-4852


CVS/caremark Forms






Last updated: October 2016

Y0051_3227 Approved